WOW2022 W50 Tableau vs. Power BI
WOW2022 W50 Tableau vs. Power BI Workout Wednesday 2022 W50 challenge by Erica Hughes originally done in Tableau, also recreated in Power BI . In this blog i describe the different approach in both tools. Comments and suggestions on how these could have been done differentare more than welcome. Preparation In both tools i hid/deleted all the fields not required for this exercise. Tableau I created two parameters. One for the selection of the sort order. And another parameter for the top n selection. Power BI Here i had to create tables for the sort order and top n selection. For the 'Sort by' table i entered the values after selecting Enter Data . In Tableau there's no upper limit for the number i can enter in the parameter field. In Power BI i need to reference a selected value in a table. I decided to create a table with values from 0 to 99. To avoid that i had to enter all the values manually i let Power BI create a table with the range...