WOW2023 W02 Power BI vs. Tableau
WOW2022 W43 Power BI vs. Tableau Workout Wednesday 2023 W02 challenge by Meagan Longoria originally done in Power BI, also recreated in Tableau. This blog aims to highlight different approach in both tools. First thing, i was not able to replicate all the aspects of the original Power BI visualization in Tableau and for some aspects, there was a certain amount of manual adjustments necessary. I basically ended up with two versions and i will address them both. Preparation Power BI As i need a continuous date axis, I created a Date table and then relationships between the 3 tables based on the date field. Tableau I created a relationship between the xls and csv based on the date fields. Building the first 3 (top row) area charts Power BI I needed different start dates for the graphs from where i would calculate the % difference, so i had to create 3 different measures with the respective start date as reference. Not every date has a closing amou...