WOW2022 W45 Tableau vs. Power BI
WOW2022 W45 Tableau vs. Power BI Workout Wednesday 2022 W45 challenge by Erica Hughes originally done in Tableau, also recreated in Power BI . In this blog i describe the different approach in both tools. I might have over complicated my solution in Tableau, so any comments and suggestions are more than welcome. Preparation Tableau I had some difficulties converting the date field properly from text to date/time, so i split the field into 2 columns with space as separator. Now i had a proper Date and Time column, but with the time format AM/PM where i needed 24H. So i created a Calculated Field for the time in 24H format. Power BI The same problem here. Trying to convert the date column produced a number of errors so i split this column in Power Query Editor. First i renamed the DATE column to _DATE so i could create a new Date column. Having 3 delimiters in the original Date Field made it easy to separate the content. I also added a custom Date...